Why this site?
The aim of this "showcase" site is to display the developing skills i
gained throughout
the VDAB course "ICT
Ontwikkeling (ICT) Development - PHP Ontwikkelaar" (PHP Developer).
This website is a mandatory assignment of the course and therefore
is checked (and hopefully)
approved by the supervising teacher.
That being said, the real goal of this site is offcourse to show to
future employers what I am capable off
in the field of website developing ..
But how can I do that?
Should i ..
- -Just poor my resume into an HTML template and that's that?
- -Do a single page application with lots of features to showcase all my acquaintance?
- -Embed all the knowledge i gained so far and put that into a "real" site?
- -Look out for a project i can do within my circle?
- -Or even something else?
That is why, for now, i just created it the way it is. It has my resume , an about -section and also a little taste of the projects i did so far.
If you (don't) like what you see, if you have any thoughts on the content, on the structure, ideas, questions - or anything else - than you're always more than welcome to contact me through LinkedIn